February 04, 2024
What should a lash artist do if a client wakes up after a lash appointment with swollen eyelids?
After customers have eyelash extension grafted, some customers with skin allergies may experience swelling of their eyelids, but there is no need to worry too much.
If mild swelling occurs, the lash technician plays a vital role in guiding the client to take effective steps to relieve discomfort and reduce swelling.
Here are the recommended steps for eyelash artists to take when advising their clients:
1. Cold compress:
Cold compresses are recommended to reduce swelling and soothe the affected area. A gel pack or a bag of frozen peas chilled in the refrigerator can serve as an effective cold compress.
2. Avoid touching or rubbing the affected area:
Stress the importance of avoiding touching or rubbing the swollen area as this may increase swelling and cause further irritation.
3. Avoid eye makeup and products:
Customers are advised not to wear makeup or use any products on the affected area. This precaution helps minimize irritation and reduces the risk of potential infection.
4. Monitor swelling:
Encourage the client to monitor swelling closely. If swelling persists or worsens, the client must seek immediate medical attention.
5. Follow up with customers:
Follow up a few days later to show commitment to your client's well-being. This allows the lash artist to assess the client's condition, provide additional guidance if necessary, and ensure any issues are resolved thoroughly.
Lash artists should prioritize the safety and comfort of their clients throughout the eyelash extension process. If swelling persists or worsens, the client must consult a medical professional immediately.
If you have other questions about lash extension grafting, you can check out other articles in our sevenlash blog. If you need any false eyelash supplies, you can check them out in our shop directly. We hope sevenlash can provide you with more professional false eyelash services.
July 23, 2024
Understanding and Preventing Lash Stickies: A Comprehensive Guide
Types of Lash Stickies:
1. Baby Lash Stickies
2. Extension-to-Extension Stickies
3. Natural Lash-to-Natural Lash Stickies
Preventing Lash Stickies:
1. Proper Isolation
2. Adequate Adhesive Application
3. Regular Checks
4. Quality Products
5. Training and Practice
March 06, 2024
March 04, 2024